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Artwork: Handcrafted plasticine picture in premium glass box frame

Dimensions: W-27, H-27, D-3 cm (framed, white)

Year completed:2022

Price:£200 sold

* Note: I accept commissions for reproductions, but the new piece will be unique and have slight variations from the original.



Fashioned on a sturdy cardboard base, this artwork uniquely employs tone, incorporating iridescent pearl plasticine to capture the sheer joy of childhood. The piece features a girl on a swing, both elements protruding from the canvas, lending it a palpable depth and dimension.

A Little Story:

Swing into a scene of vivid life and boundless freedom. This plasticine artwork captures a girl on a swing, not just swinging but launching daringly into the air. As she ascends, the colours around her blend into a dynamic swirl of vibrant splashes, illustrating the exhilaration of her flight.

This piece, inspired by an unknown artist's work I stumbled upon online, is a heartfelt homage to their original vision. While I haven't been able to find the creator to credit them, I am immensely grateful for their inspiration.

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