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Purrrfect Four

Artwork: Handcrafted plasticine picture in premium glass box frame

Dimensions: W-38.5, H-38.5, D-1.5 cm (framed, purple)

Year completed:2023

Price:£250 sold

* Note: I accept commissions for reproductions, but the new piece will be unique and have slight variations from the original.



This piece, framed in quality wood, showcases four feline faces crafted in relief from plasticine. Set on a solid cardboard foundation, each cat seems to 'push' its nose out from the canvas, adding a playful depth. The choice of plasticine lends the artwork a tactile charm, making these kitties almost come to life.

A Little Story:

On this painting, four sides of one's character are vividly portrayed through the guise of feline figures. The cheeky black cat, mischievously nipping the ginger's ear, stands as a testament to playful audacity and the need for attention. Underneath him, the ginger cat, yowling in mild protest, embodies the continuous quest for validation and acknowledgment. The aloof Siamese, casting a disdainful glance over the scene, reflects the prideful and somewhat detached side, while the undisturbed white cat, sitting in serene stillness, symbolises the inner calm and peace amidst life's chaos. Together, they paint a harmonious and colourful canvas of human emotions and traits.

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