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Noodle Sunflowers

Artwork: Handcrafted plasticine picture in premium glass box frame

Dimensions: W-40, H-40, D-3.5 cm (framed, black)

Year completed:2023



Set upon sturdy cardboard and encased in a wooden frame, this artwork reimagines Van Gogh's "Sunflowers" with a playful twist. Crafted meticulously from plasticine ropes, the piece brings a tactile dimension to the iconic image. The vibrant plasticine strands weave together, capturing the essence and passion of the original masterpiece.

A Little Story:

An unusual painting was discovered in a quiet corner of an art studio, hidden behind a multitude of other canvases. Rumour has it that this was a lost masterpiece by Van Gogh, who apparently fancied a playful stint with noodling. Imagine! The revered artist, amidst his iconic strokes, dabbling with... plasticine sausages? Perhaps it was his 'lighthearted' phase or a whimsical nod to future generations. Whatever the case, this tongue-in-cheek «Sunflower Noodle» indeed adds a quirky twist to art history!

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