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Artwork: Handcrafted plasticine picture in premium glass box frame

Dimensions: W-27, H-27, D-3 cm (framed, white)

Year completed:2022



Set upon a firm cardboard base, this unique artwork is masterfully sculpted from plasticine. Each of the hedgehog's quills is intricately crafted from fine plasticine threads. The hedgehog itself stands in bold relief, adding depth to the piece. Moreover, its lifelike appearance is enhanced by the delicate plasticine thread fur that adorns it.

A Little Story:

On the whimsical planet Fluffikar, where skies were dotted with towering dandelions, lived Finn, a hedgehog with fluffs instead of spines. Unlike other hedgehogs, Finn could float on the gentle winds, exploring the vast horizons.

One night, a strong breeze took him higher than ever. From above, the golden fields looked mesmerizing. When he returned, Finn's tales of his unique journey inspired all of Fluffikar's creatures, teaching them that differences are not just unique but they open doors to unimaginable adventures.

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